Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day- Brett, Dad & Bill :)

Brett is an awesome father, Shay and Alyssa are lucky to have him as a dad.  Every day he makes Shay laugh, often when they are playing games the two of them made up!  Between snuggling, feeding and changing Alyssa and playing, laughing and chasing Shay, Brett is pretty busy.  We are super pumped to be together as a whole family for the next several weeks.  What a cool time -- all 4 of us -- and no work!
Brett and I learned some remarkable skills from our two fathers.  Bill is patient, kind, gentle and always excited to see the kids. "Papa Bill" loves to spend time out on the boat with Brett, and has even taught Shay how to make coffee.  My dad is passionate, driven, energetic and loving.  He has been a great role model for me and is now a great presence for my daughters.  "Papa Mark" is a softball player, family man and has taught Shay about the ducks and other animals in the park.

Thanks to all the great dads!

1 comment:

Amy said...

what a great post! my dad is also teaching his grandkids about the ducks and playgrounds at the pond. enjoy your time as a fam these next 8 weeks or however much it was! it is precious time! good for you!