Friday, September 24, 2010

5 Months

Alyssa hit the 5 month mark this week!  Just like Shay, she loves to smile and interact.  If you pretty much look in her direction, Alyssa will smile- which is such a treat.  Also like her sister, we are not leaps and bounds ahead in gross motor skills, but we know those will come.  Her newest activites include: talking a lot, grabbing anything in reach and trying to put it in her mouth, laughing, rolling over (from stomach to back), trying to rollover from back to stomach (gets about half way), and playing with her sister.  Shay is able to make Alyssa laugh the most, and sometimes we catch Alyssa just watching Shay intently.  It has been neat as parents to see them interact and this is just the beginning! 

We have also recently made the move from the bassinet in our room to the crib.  Brett caught me at a weak moment (late at night when I had already been asleep) and said he had put Alyssa in the crib instead of the bassinet.  So our babe now is sleeping in her own room (okay, for the past 2 nights she has).  Not sure what I think about that, but it had to happend sometime.  All in all, Alyssa is doing well and in our biased opinion, getting cuter everday!

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