Wednesday, December 22, 2010

8 Months Already

Its hard to believe that Alyssa is 8 months old as of yesterday.  Some days it feels like she has been part of our family forever, and other days it seems like we have a new baby in the house.  Go figure.  Some of the new things Alyssa is doing are:
  • rolling over with intent to get an object, or just roll off her blanket
  • saying "ba, ba, ba" or "blah, blah, blah"
  • giving kisses, which are usually open mouthed and may involve her tongue sticking out
  • give her own style of hugs (one arm around you and then leaning in)
  • laughing and talking to Shay
She has been so much fun to just hang out with and we are really enjoying our two daughters interacting together.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

jammies. shocker. ;) happy 8 months!