Wednesday, January 26, 2011

9 Months

Alyssa is 3/4 of a year old!  She is such a delight.  One of my favorite things right now is to walk in after work and just see her face light up.  She kicks her feet and lets out a squeal when she realizes I am home-- what a good welcoming committee!  She has also been up to a few new things this past month:
- Rolls to where she wants to go
- Stands with help
- Says "dada" and "ba ba"
- Squeals and shrieks quite loudly
- Separation anxiety (a little bit)
- "Swims"- when on her tummy lifts both her legs and arms up and wiggles.  Maybe it is her version of crawling, except she doesn't go anywhere.
- Laughs at her sister
- Reacts to noises (Bailey's play bark)
And to think she will be turning 1 in 3 months- wow.


Anonymous said...

She is getting SO BIG! Oh my gosh, she is too cute for words! Lots of love to you all :)

Anonymous said...

She is getting SO BIG! Oh my gosh, she is too cute for words! Lots of love to you all :)