Wednesday, March 2, 2011

10 Months

Its hard to believe the youngest member of our family is 2 months shy of being a year old.  Wow.  Alyssa is such a joy to be around.  With her laid back personality, the way she loves to grab your hair, give kisses and snuggle,  Alyssa can light up your day.  Though we joke that she is our "high maintenance" child, she is a pretty easy baby.   As far as developments over the last month, Alyssa-
- calls her bottle "ba, ba"
- says "ma ma" especially when she is upset (not sure if I like this or not)
- loves playing games- peek a boo, so big or just goofing around
- uses the pincher grip constantly
- eats quite a bit of table food, her favorite being cheese
- gets into the sitting position from laying down
- has taken one to two moves forward on all fours, but is not crawling
Infact, we aren't sure if she is goinng to crawl-- we have not seen much interest of movement forward.  I guess we will have to stay tuned for the gross motor skills-- reminds me of someone :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

10 months already?! wow! no crawling...maybe she will scoot like Linnea. Our lil gal never crawled have such cute girls!