Friday, June 17, 2011

Bye, Bye Tonsils

Shay got her tonsils and adenoids out Wednesday.  We tried to prepare her well in advance of her T&A operaration.  She met with our friend Heidi who told her all about surgery and what to expect, along with showing her much of the equipment and giving her stickers, a surgery doll and a mask to keep!  (Thanks Heidi!)  She also watched the kids "Preparing for Surgery" video produced by my work :)  
We called in Tuesday night and found out we were 3rd case (we had hoped for 1st).  When we got to the hospital in the morning and while we were in the admission process, an emergency surgery was booked, so the OR was no longer available.  We ended up going back home for a few hours before heading back through admissions again.  Shay did a pretty good job of not having anything to eat or drink for SEVERAL hours.  After getting through admissions (a 2nd time), Shay was given a sedative before they took her back for surgery.  She was a bit loopy and quite giggly.  Surgery went well and the doctor reported that both her tonsils and adenoids were "absolutely huge". 
The recovery has been tough so far, a bit rougher than Brett and I expected. 
When we met Shay after surgery in the recovery room she was screaming and trying to pull out her IV as well as other tubing.  She calmed down a bit when she realized we were there, but she was in a lot of pain.  We ended up being in recovery for quite a while, due to Shay not eating or drinking much and a medication mess-up.  We left later Wednesday night, and had a ROUGH night.  The best way to describe our sleep schedule was that of having a newborn, except worse.
Thursday morning continued to be tough, but last night about 9pm after she had 3 popsicles in a row (the most she has eaten in a couple of days), Shay started talking and acting a bit more like herself.  Hopefully today is even better!  Good job Shay!   We are excited to see Shay not struggle to breath when she has a cold, sleep better (and quieter) at night, and have more energy.
 Shay's main pre-op complaint, "It stinks in here"
 To help deal with the "stink", she continued to smell the mask that Heidi had given her with the strawberry scent
 Much better

 Waiting with Dad

 Loopy with Mom after the first medication

Getting Ready to Go Home

1 comment:

Amy said...

what a brave girl! good job Shay and good job Mommy and Daddy! I'm sure the surgery will make a huge difference when she is sick.