Monday, September 24, 2012

Shay's Duluth Trip

Shay was able to take her own mini-vacation with Grandpa, Grandma and Taylor.  They went to the depot, out to eat, biking, swimming, playing at new parks, sightseeing and much more.  She and Taylor were able to spend a lot time together and I heard, had a lot of pinky promises on various topics.  The trip ended with a stop at DQ in Cannon Falls for all of us to meet up and hear stories of the trips events.  A big thank you to Grandma and Grandpa who made 4 days so much fun and quite memorable!

Do you see the Rapunzel like hair?  They both are growing it out like hers.

4 person bike- Shay thought it was pretty neat

Mom really hopes Shay likes horses as much as she does-- this is a good start!

 So much fun in the pool every night!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chad's Wedding

Our volleyball team has been looking forward to going to this wedding for quite some time!  Heidi and I started the day with working out and manicures, and we all finished the day by swimming in the hotel pool with the bride, groom and most of the wedding party!  All in all it was a very fun day, and it was great to be out with a lot of our friends.

The newly married couple- Congrats!

 Heidi, Rodd and Rachel waiting for the ceremony shuttle

Going back to his roots

Our true Vikings

Monday, September 17, 2012

Amma's Birthday- Belated

We were able to celebrate Amma's birthday on the actual date this year.  Great Aunt Barb was in town, so she was able to celebrate with us as well.  According to Amma, it feels great being 39!

Helping Amma blow out ALL her candles

Showing the earrings we got for her- Louise's birthstone

I think the glasses were for the kids

Yep, this cake is exactly what Amma requested

Yeah Cousins!

Ms. Caryline's

Shay and Lyssa are at the same day care this year (thank goodness).  Ms. Caryline was very nice to let Lyssa in, she is the youngest by a year, but has been able to keep up with all the "preschool" kids.  This year is different for Shay, not only because Lyssa is there with her everyday, but that she has girls to play with.  Last year it was her and either 2 or 3 boys each day. So far the girls have really enjoyed themselves, and have done so many activities- including science experiments, many different craft/art projects, "hand" painting according to Lyssa, long walks, picnics and visiting the park. They both talk about their friends they play with, and are excited to see everyone after the weekend.

Love this little girl

The best pic of Shay yet

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bye Bye Summer

The girls and Brett had a great summer at home, and Rachel was able to join them sometimes as well.  Shay was able to go to nature camp with cousin Olive, both girls were able to participate in local kid track meets, we all spent plenty of time at the lake, we were able to see all the grandparents quite a bit, play volleyball, go to the park, take bike rides, relax, sneak a family vacation in and just hang out.   Last week the girls headed back to daycare while Brett headed back to school.  It is a bit of bummer that summer is over, but we are looking forward to all the changes the school year brings, as well as celebrating all the fun stuff that happens in the next couple of seasons!

Wow, using the Ipad at 2... may not be a good thing

The aftermath of the weekly donut run with Dad

Just enjoying cousin time and popsicles

Helping "fold" clothes... she doesn't like to put them back the basket

Bye bye Nuks!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Fun at the Farm with Grandma and Grandpa

Lyssa and Shay had a great time visiting the farm with their grandparents.  Although Shay plugged her nose a lot of the time, they both enjoyed meeting and greeting all the farm animals, as well as having a picnic of farm food.

 Using her keen sense of smell

Summer Vacation!

We were able to take an extended family vacation the week before Brett headed back to work (coaching).  Starting out we headed to Wisconsin and stayed over at the hotel with a swimming pool and a jacuzzi tub.. the girls loved it.  Then we spent a few days with Brett's extended family at a beautiful lake where we were able to swim, waterski, try out water bikes, watch the Olympics and eat great food.  On Wednesday we dropped the girls off at Papa Mark and Grandma Stacy's while we spent a few days with Elicia and Shawn (adults only)- a lot of good times were had!  We skied a ton, went pontooning, played several games, slept in, relaxed and had plenty of time to catch up.  The kiddos joined us a couple of days later and we were able to hang out as families.  This is the 12th year we have headed to the lake with Shawn, and plan to have many more lake vacations.

Just starting out

Shay Ski-tubing

Thanks to all the grandparents for making our vacation possible