Monday, September 3, 2012

Summer Vacation!

We were able to take an extended family vacation the week before Brett headed back to work (coaching).  Starting out we headed to Wisconsin and stayed over at the hotel with a swimming pool and a jacuzzi tub.. the girls loved it.  Then we spent a few days with Brett's extended family at a beautiful lake where we were able to swim, waterski, try out water bikes, watch the Olympics and eat great food.  On Wednesday we dropped the girls off at Papa Mark and Grandma Stacy's while we spent a few days with Elicia and Shawn (adults only)- a lot of good times were had!  We skied a ton, went pontooning, played several games, slept in, relaxed and had plenty of time to catch up.  The kiddos joined us a couple of days later and we were able to hang out as families.  This is the 12th year we have headed to the lake with Shawn, and plan to have many more lake vacations.

Just starting out

Shay Ski-tubing

Thanks to all the grandparents for making our vacation possible

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