Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I'm a Big Girl Now

Lyssa has really grown a lot these last couple of months.  She gave up her nuk, is fully potty trained (day and night- yeah) and loves to talk-- even to herself.  Potty training went relatively smoothly.  She was supposed to be trained before starting daycare this fall (since it is a preschool program) and she made it by 1 week!  We incorporated the same method as with Shay- just did it.  One day, no diaper and after a few days with just 2 accidents- and not going anywhere :), she started wearing underwear.   Unlike Shay, Lyssa wasn't too excited about it and didn't really seem to care that she doesn't have to wear diapers anymore.  She does love, however, the M&M treat after using the "potty".  She could have cared less about a sticker chart, but the chocolate candy worked wonders!

Shay Helping Out

1 comment:

Amy said...

yay Alyssa! that last picture is the best!