Friday, March 16, 2012

Celebrations #1 and #2

Shay had a great time celebrating her birthday yesterday.  At daycare they sang to her and they all got to eat cupcakes.  According to Shay, even the boys loved the princess cupcakes!  I think she has converted some of her friends.  Since she is with 2 boys during most of the day, each of them will play barbies and princesses with her- which is very sweet.  She also plays cars, trains and tag with them.

After daycare, we ate the dinner Shay requested - Macaroni and Cheese with warm and cold peas (warm peas means they are in the Mac & Cheese, cold means they are on the side), followed by cake and our present.  We got her a scooter and 2 dresses for her barbie.  Although she liked the scooter, her fav was the dresses.  Go figure!  Since it was such an awesome night (I don't know if we will ever see an almost 80 degree day on March 15 again), we headed to the park and stayed outside till it was dark.  What a great birthday!

"All done"

And what could be better than a Cinderella card!

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